10 Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, Berkshire. RG45 6LT

150 years ago, on the 15th April 1870 (which was a Good Friday), the first Methodist Church in Crowthorne was erected on the site where our present Church now stands.

Our Minister:

Rev. Sharon Gardner.


Tel: 01344 774967

For service, mission and pastoral matters

Our Stewards

Andrew Mitchell

Chris Lowe

Valerie Stephens


Notices for February 2025

The Methodist Church in Crowthorne  is in every sense at the heart of village life.

We believe that God’s greatest gift to us is love.

From the youngest to the oldest and wheelchair friendly, we are an all age church family, enjoying an informal style of worship.  Our main service balances traditional with contemporary worship to share God's message and love. Our younger members join our main fellowship at the start of our Sunday service and then go to their own group worship, the Adventurers, and true to their name enjoy the adventure of discovery in their journey of faith.

Our fellowship is enhanced during the week by bible study and prayer groups, with monthly “Serendipity” and “Men’s Group” social activities. We also support a weekly mothers and toddlers group called "Teddy Club". 

Currently our bi-weekly film club for school years 5-6 is not running.

We are also trustees of the HopeZone Charity – an ecumenically supported youth project in Crowthorne..

We’d love to see you.


church at Christmas 2
church at Christmas 1

Minister's letter - December 2024

Visit our YouTube channel for previous services and for more information follow us on Facebook.

Crowthorne Methodist Church

150 Years of Methodism in Crowthorne

Helping people to meet with God, rejoice in and express his love

Copyright Crowthorne Methodist Church 2020

How to find us